I'm sure everyone has given a great deal of thought to their individual wants and needs. The challenge is to remain disciplined and not to compromise on core needs and values.
I have been exposed to a wide variety of cultures and people. My great-grandfather was Irish and my great-grandmother native american. I grew up in a predominantly italian-american neighborhood in Northern NJ and my godmother was Italian (growing up it was ALWAYS macaroni on sunday at her house - she made awesome gravy!). I have experienced familial, platonic and romantic LOVE with many different cultures. I guess you could call me an E.O.D (equal oppty dater!) So while I do not restrict my dating to one culture or ethnicity. I will say the vast majority of my romantic relationships have been with caucasian (italian) or latin women.
At the end of the day: Its about 2 people LOVING, SUPPORTING and RESPECTING each other COMPLETELY