My name is Jenna and I am looking for my place in this crazy world. Right now, I work as a caseworker at a county prison. I just recently made the switch from being a correctional officer. I've seen some interesting things. Being a CO was definitely a cooler job than a caseworker

I have a pitbull who is the love of my life. If you don't like dogs or can't handle my dog deciding whether or not we're a good pair, then I guess you better have lots of money

I like taking my munchkin dog for long walks, camping, going to museums, drinking wine, playing board games, traveling anywhere I can afford, and cuddling up on my couch. I don't like when people message me and ask me what I like to do. I'll probably just copy and paste this paragraph, so you might as well read what I wrote

I'm a pretty strong and independent woman and can be intimidating. However, I am very sweet and loyal and will take care of my friends and family the best I can. I can be sarcastic, playful, flirty and spontaneous.
I like just about any kind of music. I listen to Preston and Steve on my drive to work, and a country station on the way home. My CD collection varies.. You'll find anything but Rap. I'll watch just about any movie but usually have no idea what new movies are out and probably haven't seen what you're talking about!